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Annual General Assembly – 29th October 2024

To: General Assembly Members
1. AGA Date, Time and Place: As previously informed, the Annual General Assembly has been postponed to the 29 October 2024 at a venue which will be announced shortly.
2. Agenda: The Agenda shall be communicated at a later date but not later than 4 weeks in advance of the Meeting.
3. Timeframe for Motions, Counter-Motions and Submissions: The National Scout Council hereby notifies that Motions will be accepted up to 17 September 2024 provided that such motion is raised by at least five members of the Assembly (as per Section 2 of Bye-Law 1) and the order of the motions and right to speak are governed by Section 7 of ByeLaw 1 (as published on ScoutKeeper). Communications, counter-motions and / or submissions at all General Assembly Meetings will be limited to 3 weeks at the latest prior to the General Assembly and late submissions will not be entertained unless of an urgent matter (at the discretion of the Chairman of the Assembly) and these will be made available to all eligible voters not less than 2 weeks prior to the Assembly.
4. Eligible Members: The members that are eligible to attend and vote are those that form part of the General Assembly, in accordance with Article 16 of the Constitution. The General Assembly is composed of all eligible appointed members on the date of publication of this notice. Holders of appointments issued after this date will not entitle the holder eligible to vote. In accordance with Article 18.2 of the Constitution, a member who fails to pay his/her annual registration fee up to and including the end of the fiscal year preceding the meeting shall forfeit his/her right to vote, unless remission or postponement of dues has received prior authorisation from the Executive Committee.
5. Proxy Voting: While it is the duty of each and every member of the General Assembly to be present at such meetings, the facility to be represented and vote through a proxy who is also a member of the Assembly is possible, in line with Section 9 of Bye-Law 1 and the Constitution (v2.2). The ‘Form of Proxy’ will be made available 4 weeks before the date of the meeting.