The age range for Cub Scouts is from 7 to 11. The Cub Scout adventure is full of fun and exploration – we are all about finding out about new things as well as discovering new ways of having fun.
Cub Scouts is the second Section in Scouting and during the time spent in the Pack, we get opportunities to try lots of different activities like swimming, music, exploring, camping, hiking and cooking on open fires. We learn responsibility as this will allow us to enjoy more things, like camping for a longer duration and lead activities for others.
Cub Scouts are organised into small groups called Sixes and guess what…. there are 6 Cub Scouts in them! The Sixes are collected in what we call a Pack. Each Six has a Cub Scout as its leader and that person is called the Sixer.
Getting out into Nature is what Cub Scouting is all about. There is so much to explore in nature. We get to go on trips and days out, hiking, exploring and many more.
The Cub Scouts motto is “Do Your Best”.
“I love every activity we do, but the best part of Scouting is definitely the camps as we get to practice what we learnt and much more.”