This morning, the Chies Scout, the Chief Commissioner and the Honorary Secretary of he Association had a courtesy meeting with His Excellency Dr George Vela, the President of Malta at the San Anton Palace. The meeting focused on the role of Scouting in providing non-formal education to young people in Malta and how this contributes to the leadership of tomorrow.
In a post on social media the President said:
Kelli l-pjaċir nilqa’ żjara ta’ korteżija miċ-Chief Scout il-ġdid, Dr Kevin Camilleri, li kien akkumpanjat ukoll mis-Sur Anton Pisani, Kummissarju Ewlieni, u l-Inġ. George Cassar, Segretarju Onorarju. L-Assoċjazzjoni Maltija tal-Iscouts tiġbor flimkien eluf ta’ tfal u żgħażagħ li jingħataw l-opportunità li jiżviluppaw ħiliet essenzjali għat-tmexxija u għall-ħajja b’mod mhux formali u b’mod li jieħdu gost.
I had the pleasure to receive a courtesy call from the new Chief Scout, Dr Kevin Camilleri, who was also accompanied by Mr Anton Pisani, Chief Commissioner and Ing. George Cassar, Honorary Secretary. The Scouts Association of Malta brings together thousands of children and young adults who are provided with the opportunity to develop essential leadership and life skills in a non-formal and fun manner.